Hi Julie!
Just checking in with you. OMG! We absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this new baby we've welcomed into our home. She is just the sweetest, most precious cat I have ever met! We love each of our cats for their own individual personalities, but this little girl is just so different. I was very hesitant about taking in a 4th cat, but she has made me so happy that I did. Everyone is just smitten with her...even the other kitties. She has adjusted so well & seems so happy. Ruby has calmed down since Bella arrived & has decided to be "mom" to Bella. So adorable & really seems to be what she needed. Boomer & Salem are doing great as well...I dearly love my boys! Thank you so much!

Zuko is my son's kitten and the bond is amazing. Zuko will cry for Sam if he leaves, then he goes and plays with my SBT Bengal, Doppler. When Sam comes home, no matter how long he's been gone, Zuko meows and meows and kisses him. They play chase, they snuggle...it's so amazing to watch. We often call him a little stuffed animal because he's so easy-going and snuggly. In the picture with them sleeping, I tried to free Zuko. I lifted Sam's arm and Zuko grumbled...I put his arm back down and took the picture. Lol
Zuko will climb up to Sam's shoulders to ride around like this...weird
Thanks so much!! If all F1s from you are like Zuko, I can't imagine ever getting another cat from anywhere else.
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More testimonials will be posted soon!
Julie, Thank you so much for this new addition to my
family! I'm so excited about having Bronx home! He
is a wonderful cat and loves to entertain us with his
playful energy! Chris
Kal is our F1 baby, and is the joy of our household. She LOVES everyone and everything, she purrs non-stop and loves to give kisses. I couldn't be any happier with our new sweet baby girl. All the thanks in the world goes to our dear friend Julie at KyBengalBabyz in Kentucky.
He is the best cat ever Julie! He and Nori (and the other pets too) are getting along so well! I am SO happy!!!!!
We Love Her!!
These are some of my favorite pictures of Leo and Binny. They have been such a blessing in my life! Definitely worth the wait!
They don't stay still long enough very often for me to get good photos, but I have managed to snap a few.
They have the absolute best personalities!!!! I can't believe some people say cats don't have personalities. They are precious and I have loved every minute of having them in my life!

Hi Julie!
Deuce had a vet visit last week and he is already over 5 lbs! The vet said he's gonna be a BIG boy. He is so much fun & has been wonderful for Layla. He follows her around & wants to do everything she does & even more. It's so cute. He has also become a big hit with all my nieces & nephews. Lily (in the pic) comes over for sleep overs and is so in love with him I have to make her give him a break. He gets in the shower & tub when he hears the water come on. He even cries because he wants me to hold him in the shower but sometimes he just jumps in with me....that crazy kitty! Lol His latest challenge is trying to jump up on the counters. He has made it a few times. He sees Layla & monkey see, monkey do. Will keep you posted!
Best wishes,
Amanda, Layla & Deuce
January 2017
Just wanted to send a few pics, she's doing great and is a great addition! She travels so well in the vehicle. She's made a few trips with me and does amazing. Loved the Christmas tree also!